
Below you’ll find a list of resources. You can filter this list by report, documentation, video or view all.
February 10, 2021

Hub Workshop Virtual Incubation Programmes

Hub Series Workshop
February 10, 2021

Hub Workshop Virtual Incubation Programmes

A workshop for Hubs to share good practices and lessons learned
February 8, 2021

Webinars on sustainability: Part 4 -Innovative ways to embrace sustainability

Episode 4 in the Ye! Enterprising Youth: Sustainability series webinar, organised in collaboration with ITC Trade for Sustainable Development team.
February 4, 2021

Renforcement des capacités des tech hubs en Afrique de l'Ouest

Cette session etait facilitée par Christian Jekinnou, Directeur Exécutif de Afric’innov, et David Cordobes, Gestionnaire de Programme Jeunesse & Commerce.
February 4, 2021

Les Hubs D'Innovation

Présentation - Positionnement -Offre - RH
February 4, 2021

Ye! Enterprising Youth: Sustainability series Episode 4

"Innovative ways to embrace sustainability", organised in collaboration with ITC T4SD Programme.
January 22, 2021

Webinars on sustainability: Part 3 - Assessing markets & buyer requirements: Target markets, trends, certifications

Episode 2 in the Ye! Enterprising Youth: Sustainability series webinar, organised in collaboration with ITC Trade for Sustainable Development team.
January 22, 2021

Ye! Enterprising Youth: Sustainability series Episode 3

"Assessing markets & buyer requirements: Target markets, trends, and certification", organised in collaboration with ITC T4SD Programme.
December 18, 2020

Ye! Enterprising Youth: Sustainability series " Navigating the sustainability map tool"

Episode 2 in the Ye! Enterprising Youth: Sustainability series webinar, organised in collaboration with ITC Trade for Sustainable Development team.
December 17, 2020

Webinars on sustainability: Part 2- ITC Sustainability Map: How to navigate the tools?

Episode 2 in the Ye! Enterprising Youth: Sustainability series webinar, organised in collaboration with ITC Trade for Sustainable Development team.